
All the musings, views and comments of the writers and his friends are presented here!

  • Turning points in research work 研究工作的转折点

    Turning points in research work 研究工作的转折点

    You do need to have the ability to spot turning points in any project of your endeavour. In my case I spotted the turning point to make little bulbs out of my daffodils/narcissus in test tubes. And my PhD supervisors made sure I scaled the most important turning point – the completion of my PhD…

  • Teaching online — a piece of cake? 教网课 —易如反掌?

    Teaching online — a piece of cake? 教网课 —易如反掌?

    Someone who obviously never taught a single class commented that “teaching online is easy”. How wrong this person is? Check out my sharing!

  • Every mug tells a story, especially after 25 years of use!

    Every mug tells a story, especially after 25 years of use!

    “The Boss” mug that served 25 years A simple mug that had seen usage for 25 years helps to tell a story about time management and prioritizing.

  • Teaching profession: held in high regards 教师:一个被尊敬的专业

    Teaching profession: held in high regards 教师:一个被尊敬的专业

    Until I took up an academic position in China, it did not occur to me that the teaching profession is so respected. In fact all teaching staff, whether they are teaching primary, secondary or university students are referred to as “teachers”. For me, it felt great being addressed by my students as “teacher” when I…

  • A change in this blog’s writing.

    A change in this blog’s writing.

    Commentary [show_post_categories show=”category” hyperlink=”yes”] [show_post_categories show=”tag” hyperlink=”yes”]   They say “change is the norm” and it is true. Apart from death and taxes, nothing in life is certain. It is more so during this pandemic era.This blog’s main author, Dr. Chow has taken up an appointment as a full time teaching staff at a government…